How often should I vacuum the bedding set to prevent mildew?

Here are some tips on how often to vacuum mickey bedding set to help prevent mildew:

Once a week

Vacuuming bedding about once a week can help remove dust mites, dead skin cells, and other debris that can promote mildew growth. Focus on top blankets, duvet covers, and sheets.

Every time you change sheets

Vacuum mattresses, box springs, and pillows each time you change the sheets. This will capture allergens and moisture that have accumulated.

Before storage

Thoroughly vacuum comforters, duvets, pillows, mattress toppers, etc. before placing into storage for the season. This removes spores that could grow into mildew.

After illness

Vacuum all bedding after someone has been sick in bed to remove germs and perspiration that can lead to mildew.

With visible dirt

If bedding becomes visibly dirty between regular vacuuming, go ahead and vacuum right away. Don’t allow dust and debris to accumulate.

Less for synthetic bedding

You may only need to vacuum synthetic bedding like polyester every few weeks since it’s less hospitable to mildew.


Vacuum mattresses every 2-3 months or as needed. Rotate and flip mattresses to fully expose all sides.

Remember to use the upholstery brush attachment and check the bag/filter frequently when vacuuming bedding. Following a routine vacuuming schedule can go a long way in preventing problematic mildew growth.